St. John Community Foundation Forum

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  1. celia
  2. Sherlock Holmes
  3. Community & Infrastructure
  4. Tuesday, 09 October 2018
  5.  Subscribe via email

Access to fresh, healthy food is very limited on St. John. Produce is often sparse and expensive in the grocery stores. Pop-up vegetable stands offer more affordable options, but their timing is uncertain. This can create a cost-burden and health issues, particularly for low-income families and individuals. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program typically does not provide an adequate amount of money for individuals and families to feed themselves for the month.

Food banks are limited, and hot meal distribution to people in need was also limited pre-storm. The Catholic Charities increased their meal program to five days a week, which provides a healthy meal for vulnerable populations all week. There is still a gap on the weekend, which the Seventh Day Adventist Church is hoping to fill. This project could identify options to increase the supply of fresh, locally-produced food on St. John and from surrounding islands. Food grown on St. John will primarily be small scale and could include projects such as supporting smallscale farmers, developing community gardens and provide training and support for backyard gardening, potentially including the use of hydroponic shipping crate farm units. Strong support for community gardens was identified in a community survey, especially among renters. This project also seeks to support and expand efforts to provide healthy food to people in need.

IMPLEMENTATION STEPS: 1. Conduct an analysis on food insecurity on the island. Identify effect on vulnerable populations such as children and seniors 2. Support churches and other groups in developing food banks and community kitchens. Identify funding sources 3. Assess community support for starting a community garden and proceed to do so if supported. 4. Conduct a community food systems assessment in partnership with Iowa State University Community Food Systems program 5. Reach out to the coordinators of recent pre-storm projects in sustainable local agriculture that may be able to be continued, expanded to, or replicated on St. John with additional support

Key Players: TBD Alignment: HHS RSFs Cost: < $100,000 Timeline: < One - Three Years

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