Youth Playwrighting Camp

Annual Youth Playwrighting Camp starts Monday, July 22nd, runs four weeks.

Pistarckle Theater will present youth actor performances of original plays written by students ages 11 – 17, created during the 2019 Summer Playwrighting Camp. During the four-week session, students participate in playwright training and development of new plays, lessons on character development, scene study, plot, setting and stage directions.

A behind-the-scenes glimpse – the Pistarckle Theater Playwrighting Camp:

During the four-week camp session, students practice character descriptions, writing exercises to strengthen voice, perspective and language choices. They then write their own 10 minute/One Act Plays from themes that are identified through class discussions that prioritize elements important to life of the youth in the program. The scenes are re-written and revised with feedback from peers and instructor.

Once the drafts are ready for an initial reading, the students produce a typed copy for reading and performance notes. The scenes will then be presented with basic staging, props and minimal set, to allow the young playwrights work come to life on stage. Other youth in the program act in each others’ plays.

This program is an annual partnership with and support of the VI Department of Labor 'Career Development Program' for pre-work youth, and also has support of the VI Housing Finance Authority.

2019 Camp Dates: Monday July 22 through Friday, August 23. Students learn to write their very own play and watch it come to life. Sponsored annually by Virgin Islands Department of Labor, this camp is created with teenagers in mind, but we have had participants in their 'tweens as well who had a fantastic time! To apply, please click on each link below individually, fill out and submit.

A scene from each play written will be displayed for the public and performed at Pistarckle Theater. Tickets are $10 per person for both adults and children. More information and tickets, visit, or call (340) 775-7877.

Event Properties

Event Date 07-23-2019 8:30 am
Event End Date 07-23-2019 3:30 pm
Created By Rachel
Location Pistarckle Theater

Location Map

© 2018 stjAngels is an initiative of the St. John Community Foundation. A 501(c)3 designated non-profit. EIN 66-0463145 All Rights Reserved.