Hurricane Hole - Mangrove Debris Removal

Hurricane Hole - Mangrove Debris Removal

What to wear: THICK-SOLED CLOSED-TOED SHOES that cab get wet!, light long sleeves and pants, gloves, sun screen, sunglasses and hats. – It is buggy, sunny and muddy!

Be prepared to balance on old mangrove roots and uneven ground. Wet mud can be so soft, you can sink in 12 inches or more. There could be sharp debris, metal, glass, etc. hidden in the mud. Avoid these areas or protect yourself in advance with proper footgear – like old hiking boots. BRING DRINKING WATER! CBCC is also bringing water. 

IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHERE Route 10, road to East End which passes by Princess Bay in Hurricane Hole IS, MEET AT SKINNY LEGS PARKING LOT AT 9:30a FOR A CARAVAN TO THE SITE.

Invite friends. Hope you can make it!

Event Properties

Event Date 08-25-2018 10:00 am
Event End Date 08-25-2018 12:00 pm
Created By Rachel
Location Skinny Legs

Location Map

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