GHS Virgin Islands Cabaret

The Cabaret is sponsored by the GHS Chapter of the National Honor Society. The evening celebrates how resilient, spectacular, and caring our island community is, and all proceeds from the event will be donated to our sister school in Uganda to purchase school supplies.

Doors will be opening at 5:45PM and the show will begin at 6:15PM. Local dishes are on the menu for dinner, and an array of talented individuals and groups will be performing. We will also play Virgin Islands History Bingo to see just how much you know about the place you call home. Throughout the night we will be selling jewelry that we made from beads that were crafted by Namasagali students in Uganda.

This event is a great way to celebrate the VI and give back to another community! We hope you can join us!

Event Properties

Event Date 03-07-2019 5:45 am
Event End Date 03-07-2019 8:00 pm
Created By Rachel
Location Gifft Hill School

Location Map

© 2018 stjAngels is an initiative of the St. John Community Foundation. A 501(c)3 designated non-profit. EIN 66-0463145 All Rights Reserved.