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Fundraiser for our Coral Bay Sweetheart ❤ who was recently diagnosed with cancer. 

EVENT INCLUDES: Raffles and a Silent Auction with prizes from charters, to gift cards for your favorite restaurants and businesses, to everything in between!

Event Date 08-25-2018 4:00 pm
Event End Date 08-25-2018 11:00 pm
Created By Rachel

Come by Peace Hill for the Friends of VINP Night Sky Program!
A brief introductory presentation will prepare you for the night’s sights. The Park provides a telescope to bring our heavens in close.
Please bring flashlight for short hike to sugar mill. A towel/chair may make sky viewing more comforta ble. 
Send us your photos to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and maybe you will see them at

Event Date 08-29-2018 7:30 pm
Event End Date 08-29-2018 8:30 pm
Created By Rachel
Francis Bay Fives: Road & Trail Race

Event Date 09-02-2018 8:00 am
Event End Date 09-02-2018 12:00 pm
Created By Rachel
© 2018 stjAngels is an initiative of the St. John Community Foundation. A 501(c)3 designated non-profit. EIN 66-0463145 All Rights Reserved.