Sunset Bird Count Party

Sunset Bird Count Party at Coconut Coast Studio, Frank Bay. VI Audubon board member Elaine Estern will host Virgin Island Society Audubon birders; beverages and light snacks will be provided. This is where you get your hard-copy Bird Count form, finalize birding assignments and have some fun! (The count form is also included, below, for those who cannot make it to this event, cannot turn in their hard-copy form on count day, or simply wish to submit their results electronically.)

Event Properties

Event Date 12-11-2018 5:30 pm
Created By Rachel
Location Coconut Coast Studio

Location Map

© 2018 stjAngels is an initiative of the St. John Community Foundation. A 501(c)3 designated non-profit. EIN 66-0463145 All Rights Reserved.