Monthly STJ Angels Recovery Team CommUNITY Meeting

Monthly STJ Angels Recovery Team CommUNITY Meeting

Now being held each month at the National Park Service Visitors Center!

The St. John Recovery Team and its related Work Groups and Task Forces meet monthly to provide a CommUNITY Update on recovery progress in addition to resiliency and preparedness planning. While past community meetings were broad updates touching on each area of recovery, future meetings will be focused on in-depth discussions on one or a few topics at a time to foster participation and a meaningful exchange. Meeting topics include updates on the following subjects in addition to briefings from key community partners such as Love City Community Network, WAPA and Waste Management, Public Works, Department of Health, Red Cross, Bloomberg USVI Recovery, Love for Love City, Love City Strong, FEMA, VITEMA, USDA, SBA, VIFHA, EPA, VIPD, VI Fire Service, VINP, DIRT, ferry and barge services, and more as we cover the topics of:

-Disaster Case Management
-Donations and Resources Development
-Volunteer Coordination
-Housing and Construction
-Health and Well-Being + Youth Task Force
-Infrastructure and Planning
-Economic Development
-Environmental and Cultural Sustainability + Cultural Arts Task Force

St. John Recovery Team CommUNITY Updates are held monthly on every 4th Thursday at the Virgin Islands National Park Visitors Center. Visit to learn more, join our efforts, and to support our work. We serve to unite disaster recovery resources with community needs to ensure that even the most vulnerable community members recover from the recent hurricanes while establishing systems for resiliency and preparedness for all-hazard events.

Event Properties

Event Date 11-22-2018 5:30 pm
Event End Date 11-22-2018 6:30 pm
Created By Rachel
Location NPS Visitors Center

Location Map

© 2018 stjAngels is an initiative of the St. John Community Foundation. A 501(c)3 designated non-profit. EIN 66-0463145 All Rights Reserved.